Kilcavan Upper

Standing Stone

This 1.1 metre high stone is located in Kilcavan Upper townland, on the northwest slopes of Tara Hill. The stone is wider at the base and tapers to a point on the southeast face. This face is aligned NE-SW.The stone is standing on private property and as I don't know the owners of the land, I have not yet received permission to visit the stone. I took these images from a trackway higher up on the hill. A gated track leading south off the main road, to the north of the site, takes you to the field below the stone. This gate has a private property sign tied to it.

Situated: In Kilcavan townland, on the north west slopes of Tara Hill.

Discovery Map 69: T 2002 6280. Last visit Aug 2019.

Longitude: 6° 13' 27" W

Latitude: 52° 42' 11" N

Google Map

Photos: Jim Dempsey.

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